Want to make your own custom brads to match your project? Well, the "I-Top Tool" from Imaginisce is the product for you! This tool allows you to cover a brad blank with the paper of your choice! There are punches coming out in September that will allow you to punch the pieces for a perfect fit. Those are also on order and I am hoping will ship with the tools later this week. My supplier is not listing them as a "pre-sell" so I am hoping that they were released earlier than Imaginisce anticipated on their website. A template set is also available - a more frugal option - but you have to do all the cutting yourself. The link below will show you a video on YouTube with a demonstration of how the tool works. There are 3 sizes available - small, medium and large. The small brads are 16mm, the medium are 22mm and the large are 28mm. Now, for those of you that struggle with metric conversions, the small is 0.63 inches (between 5/8 and 3/4"), the medium is .86 inches and the large is 1.1 inches. Hopefully they will be in the shop next week. And yes - we'll have one to demo!